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Elf Demonstration

The purpose of Elf is to help you reduce your overdue fines and to consolidate your library accounts. Once you have signed up, Elf will email you before your library items are due. It also lets you know when your holds are ready and when they are about to expire. Loan information is displayed in a calendar format which gives you a quick way to see the overall status of your library accounts.

Sample Email Notice
(Available in HTML format only.) Image of sample email notice'

Try out the real-time demo to get an idea of how it works. Click real-time demo and Elf will start checking. Once checked, an itemized list is produced showing a snapshot of all the items out.

You can also subscribe to the RSS feed  RSS Icon to follow this demo account. The libraries in this account are checked daily and this feed is updated when something becomes due, overdue or ready for pickup.

Elf is available free to registered users. If you've already signed up for Elf, just sign in to access your account. If you haven't signed up yet and would like give Elf a try click sign up.



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